Symptoms of Common Transmission Problems

Strange performance issues short of failing to start can be scary, but they also allow car owners to make scary decisions. Too many drivers decide to continue drive, determined to check the problem "later" or wait until the car completely fails before doing anything. Not only is this dangerous in the event of a highway failure, but you could be looking at an exponentially more expensive problem the longer you wait. The transmission is often a culprit, so here's a few of the more common transmission problems. 

Missing Cables

If your car turns on, but doesn't accelerate, your car or truck's transmission cable or cable set may be missing. Some vehicles use a single cable for automatic shift, while others use two or more cables for enhanced control.

Like anything else, the cables can wear away and break over time. If you're driving a used car and haven't inspected most of the parts, you could be the victim of some transmission repairs that aren't quite good. The transmission's shifting cable is often shielded by rubber hoses, and home mechanics in a pinch may replace a broken cable with multiple, braided together hoses to do the same job.

It actually works very well. Although modern vehicles are powerful and under a lot of stress, that specific function has an exact set of stresses that many types of securing bands can use. Unfortunately, the hotter months can lead to stretching and tearing, and a leaking transmission may allow the cable to slip off. This could be a two-fold discovery, since the time it takes a cable to go bad is probably enough time to warrant changing transmission fluid or sealing leaks.

Changes in Gears and Unplanned Speeds

Transmission slipping is one of the more common causes of strange driving patterns. Leaking fluid can cause the transmission to change gear at an unplanned rate, and wear and tear of the transmission can lead to a more drastic shift change.

This often looks and feels like the engine suddenly revving, but not necessarily kicking up to a drastic speed. Your vehicle may speed up or slow down, but not enough to warrant an entire change in shift. Too many slipping changes over time can wear out the engine faster or require a full replacement. Power loss, either completely or with dimming radio and interior lights, is another common symptom.

If your car is having the opposite problem of rough shifting, your transmission fluid may be low. Either a leak or a clog caused by incorrect filling with dirty tools could be the culprit. If you want an informed and targeted analysis of your car problems, contact a transmission repair professional like those at S & A Transmission.

About Me

Selecting and Buying Auto Parts

Many individuals make their own vehicle repairs themselves, and I'm one of those people. My dad taught me how to do numerous vehicle repairs, and I've also learned a few things from friends. I enjoy getting my hands greasy while working on my car, and afterwards I have a great feeling of accomplishment. When working on a vehicle, I almost always need to purchase auto parts. In this blog, I'll tell you everything you need to know about selecting and buying the correct parts for your vehicle. My name is Kevin, and if you like to do your own vehicle repairs, you'll benefit from my blog. Since I know that it can be difficult to locate the right parts sometimes, I wanted to make this information available to all.